Chronic Polymyositis and Myxovirus-like Inclusions

Light and electron microscopy revealed intranuclear inclusions in the muscles of a 43-yearold man resembling helical nucleoprotein of myxovirus. Virological studies to demonstrate myxovirus revealed no cytopathic effects in African green monkey kidney (Vero) and HEp-2 cell cultures inoculated with biopsy muscle homogenates over a two-month period. No cytopathy was observed in VERO cells inoculated periodically with culture medium from muscle biopsy cultures. Fluorescent antisera did not reveal measles or mumps antigen in frozen biopsy, and low to moderate levels of serum antibodies against myxovirus were present in this case reported here as well as in three other chronic polymyositis cases. These findings do not rule out a chronic myxovirus infection in chronic polymyositis. Virological studies with modified technics are recommended.