Cancer is a genetic disease caused by defective control of cell proliferation. As cancer cells divide, the genetic defect is inherited by each daughter cell, leading to tumour development with possible progression to malignancy. The identification of those genes linked with cancer is essential for our understanding of the regulation of cell proliferation and for the therapeutic management of cancer cell growth. Recent studies have revealed that p53 is the most commonly affected gene in human cancer. It is a single copy gene and functions in the regulation of cell proliferation. Mutation of p53 is linked with tumour development, and this may involve abnormal functioning of mutant p53 protein. A mutant allele of p53 is functionally temperature-sensitive and can promote or suppress cell proliferation. The tertiary structure of the mutant protein is also sensitive to temperature and adopts promoter and suppressor forms of p53. A conformation model for the functioning of p53 proposes that wild-type p53 is induced to change from suppressor to promoter form during the cell growth response. This model predicts that any mutation that deregulates the normal control of p53 conformation may lead to cancer.