Femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy of polarization dynamics in KNbO3

Femtosecond time-resolved impulsive stimulated scattering experiments were conducted on KNbO3 at temperatures spanning the orthorhombic phase. A heavily damped soft optic phonon mode associated with the displacive character of the transition and relaxational modes associated with order-disorder character were examined. Previous frequency-domain light scattering experiments had yielded conflicting results for the dynamics of the soft mode and the symmetry of the order-disorder motions. We find the relaxational motion to be of A1 symmetry and the soft mode to be the only low-frequency exictation of B2 symmetry. The soft mode is well described by a damped polariton model without any coupling to a relaxational mode. These results are consistent with a previously proposed eight-site model for the phase transitions.