Young rainbow trout given an ascorbic acid-free diet from the age of 6 weeks showed slight but significant decreases in the hydroxyproline content and the hydroxyproline/proline ratio of the collagen fraction in their skin and bone before they developed the apparent symptoms of scurvy, such as lordosis, scoliosis, and exophthalmus, after 21-24 weeks. These results indicate that the scurvy symptoms, such as skeletal deformities, should be attributed to impaired collagen formation arising from lack of ascorbic acid. On the other hand, older rainbow trout given an ascorbic acid-free diet from the age of 10 months showed no abnormal response with respect to growth. The formation of their skin collagen proceeded normally. But these trout showed impaired collagen formation in skin wound repair. These results suggest that the requirement for ascorbic acid decreases as the fish grow older, while increased amounts of dietary ascorbic acid are required for rapid growth and for wound repair. It is concluded that rainbow trout irrespective of age require dietary ascorbic acid to maintain their health.