The human ubiquitin gene family: structure of a gene and pseudogenes from the Ub B subfamily

An ubiquitin cDNA clone was isolated from a human liver cDNA library. This clone contained two complete, and a portion of a third, ubiquitin coding sequences joined head to tail with no spacer peptides. Screening a human genomic library with a probe derived from the coding region of this cDNA identified a large number of cross-hybridising clones. Differential screening of these genomic clones with the 3′ non-coding region of the cDNA identified three different 3′-positive clones. Sequence analysis of these three clones revealed: (i) a gene corresponding to the cDNA containing an intron in the 5′ non-coding region and coding for three direct repeats of mature ubiquitin, and (ii) two related pseudogenes which appear to have arisen by reverse transcription and insertion into the genome. However, one pseudogene contains two repeats of the ubiquitin coding sequence, while the other contains only one. Hybridisation analysis of restricted human genomic DNA suggests the presence of one other closely related gene within the genome.