High-spin states and band structure inSe76

High-spin states of Se76 have been investigated through observations of γ rays produced in the Ga71(Li7, 2n) reaction by bombarding an enriched Ga71 target with 15- to 22-MeV Li7 ions. Measurements were made of γ-ray singles and γγ coincidence spectra, excitation functions, γ-ray angular distributions, γγ angular correlations, and Doppler broadening of photopeaks. Level energies, decay modes, spins and parities, γ-ray branching ratios, γ-ray radiative admixtures, and lifetimes were deduced. There is evidence for a strongly excited quasirotational band with the highest member observed being a 12+ state at 5432 keV, for an odd-parity band built on a 5 state, and for a ΔJ=1 band which has the characteristics of a γ-vibrational band in a deformed nucleus. Interacting boson approximation model calculations are compared with the experimental results.

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