Providing information on Klinefelter syndrome

The aim of this study was to compare the information that midwives, obstetricians and geneticists report they would give parents following the prenatal diagnosis of Klinefelter syndrome. Fifty midwives, 135 obstetricians and 66 geneticists completed a brief questionnaire assessing the information they reported providing to parents following the prenatal diagnosis of Klinefelter syndrome. Geneticists reported providing more information about Klinefelter syndrome than midwives and obstetricians, particularly positive information about the condition. The information parents receive after the prenatal diagnosis of Klinefelter syndrome may vary according to the specialty of the health professionals consulted. This variation may reflect differences in the information these groups have about the condition. It remains to be determined whether such variation leads to different decisions about whether or not to continue with the pregnancy and subsequent parental adjustment.