In sterile-cultured explants of stems of the pinePinus contorta Dougl., fusiform cambial cells differentiated entirely into axial parenchyma cells when exogenous indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) was omitted. The normal appearance of the cambial zone was maintained when IAA was included in the medium. The IAA-maintained stability of cambial structure suggests physiological rather than epigenetic control over vascular cambium structure. IAA was essential for the occurrence of callus growth in stem explants. Callus growth was similar in appearance and extent in winter- and summer-explanted material. Tracheids differentiated in explants only when actively differentiating tracheids were already present at the moment of explanting, suggesting the absence of factors necessary for tracheid differentiation in over-wintering tissues. Sclereid differentiation, which normally does not occur in phloem or xylem development inP. contorta, occurred in callus derived from active cambial explants. The sclereids were identical to sclereids which differentiated in pith of intact stems. The possibility that sclereid and tracheid differentiation may be fundamentally similar types of gene expression is discussed. Growth ofP. contorta trees in continuous darkness resulted in extensive compression-wood tracheid differentiation in the upright main stem. Normal-wood tracheids differentiated in similar trees grown in light. More tracheids differentiated in light than in darkness. This apparently is the first report of induction of compression-wood tracheid differentiation in the absence of hormone treatment or tilting of trees. Different types and numbers of tracheids differentiated at different position in two-year-old disbudded defoliated stem cuttings ofP. contorta in response to apically supplied IAA. No evidence for new tracheid differentiation was seen in control cuttings; however, the results suggest that neither cambial cell division nor tracheid differentiation were actually initiated by IAA. Directed transport of additional regulatory factors toward areas of high IAA concentration is formulated as a hypothesis to explain these observations. Gibberellic acid, (S)-abscisic acid and IAA inhibited tracheid differentiation when individually supplied to basal ends ofP. contorta cuttings predisposed to differentiate new tracheids. Experiments with single intact needles onPinus cembroides var.monophylla cuttings confirmed a previous interpretation that the mature pine needle, rather than the short-shoot apical meristem at its base, promotes tracheid differentiation in the stem.