The admittance Y=G+jωC of amorphous silicon films, produced by electron-beam evaporation, has been measured at frequencies between dc and 107 Hz, and at temperatures between 150 and 400 K. At low frequencies the conductance G was nearly independent of frequency, an exponential function of temperature, and influenced by contacts. At medium frequencies G increased almost proportionally to ωs, with s0.9. In this region G was found to be contact independent and superlinearly dependent on temperature. In the high-frequency region a saturation behavior of G was observed. The capacitance C decreased monotonically from low to high frequencies. These measured properties have been attributed to a hopping between sites, randomly distributed in space and energy, and over the barriers separating the sites. The barrier height has been correlated to the intersite separation by assuming Coulomb-like potential wells. This model accounts both for the ωs behavior and for the saturation of G. However, to obtain good agreement between theory and experiment it was necessary to envisage a minimum relaxation time τo not much smaller than 106 sec. In contrast, τo has in previous work been interpreted to be of the order of an atomic vibrational period (∼ 1012 sec).