AFTER Loewi's1 (1932-1933) monumental discovery of neurohumoral mechanisms in 1921, many efforts were made to study the effect of cholinergic drugs on neuromuscular disorders. Sciclounoff2 (1934) found that acetylcholine chlorohydrate hastened improvement in hemiplegia, while Ward and Kennard3 (1942) reported that strychnine, thiamine hydrochloride and carbaminoylcholine facilitated recovery of hemiplegia produced in monkeys by cortical ablation. Carbaminoylcholine chloride gave the best results. Kremer4 (1942) studied the effect of intraspinal injection of neostigmine methylsulfate on hemiplegia and found that it caused a diminution of tone and of both normal and abnormal reflexes. He also observed a decrease in the power of voluntary muscles on the hemiplegic side. Kabat and Knapp5 (1943) described beneficial effects with neostigmine on muscular spasm in poliomyelitis. Later, Kabat6 (1944) applied this drug more widely and included in his study "neuromuscular dysfunction resulting from trauma," hemiplegia, facial paralysis, cerebral palsy, chronic

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