The Acculturation Scale for Vietnamese Adolescents (ASVA): A bidimensional perspective

The purpose of this study was to develop an acculturation scale that: (1) empirically demonstrated the bidimensional model; and (2) that pertained to the concerns of Vietnamese adolescents. Altogether, 191 Vietnamese students (ages 10–23) were recruited from eight middle schools and high schools in Lansing, Michigan (USA). Based on responses from their questionnaires, results indicated that The Acculturation Scale for Vietnamese Adolescents (ASVA) demonstrated good reliability and validity overall. Confirmatory factor analyses also demonstrated support for the ASVA's two dimensions (Involvement in the Vietnamese Culture and Involvement in the US Culture) and four life-domains within each dimension (i.e., Group Interactions, Everyday Lifestyles, Family Orientation, and Global Involvements). The CFAs indicated that the ASVA's two-factor and four-factor structures achieved an excellent fit to the data and furthermore, that a bidimensional, two-factor model was superior to a unidimensional, bipolar one predominantly used in acculturation scales today. As such, this study demonstrated the utility of viewing acculturation from a two-dimensional framework; it also provided researchers a practical, 2D scale to use.