Iodide Release from the Thyroid as an Acute Response to Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

The effects of epinephrine. norepinephrine and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) on the release of plasma inorganic iodide131 from the thyroid gland were determined by catheterization of the thyroid vein and measurement of total plasma I131 and protein-bound I131 levels in the dog. Inorganic plasma I131 levels increased 60% or more in 5 of 6 dogs following epinephrine administration and in one of 3 dogs receiving norepinephrine. Two dogs receiving TSH iv had significant increases in thyroid vein inorganic I131. The inorganic I131 rise occurred simultaneously with increases in PBI131. Control experiments during a comparable experimental period failed to demonstrate significant changes in inorganic I131 levels. Administration of epinephrine to 2 hypophysectomized dogs yielded inconclusive results as to changes in inorganic plasma I131 levels.