Spin-glass properties of a crystalline transition-metal oxide: (Ti1xVx)2O3

The magnetic properties of (Ti1xVx)2O3 single crystals have been studied between 0.05 and 300 K for 0<x<7.5%. The magnetic susceptibility measured between 4.2 and 300 K shows Curie-Weiss laws with effective magnetic moments per V decreasing from 3.8μB for x=0.2% to 2.1μB for x=7.5%. These results are attributed to the formation of V2+(3d3) states at small x and to V3+ with one band electron and one electron responsible for the magnetic properties at larger x. At low temperatures (0.05<T<4.2 K), the initial reversible susceptibility χrev(T) shows a peak at a temperature TG proportional to x and is strongly anisotropic. For T<TG, thermoremanent (TRM) and isothermal remanent (IRM) magnetizations are found. The saturated TRM extrapolated to 0 K varies as αx+βx2. χrev(0) increases with x and the irreversible susceptibility is anisotropic and proportional to x. The magnetization has been measured at T=1.4 and 4.2 K in fields up to 150 kG; the magnetic moments obtained from extrapolation of the curves M(1H) are in good agreement with the values deduced from the Curie constant. It is shown that the low-temperature specific-heat anomaly, previously found, is due to the spin-glass properties. The spin-glass parameters of (Ti1xVx)2O3 are compared to those of some dilute alloys and found to be similar. The origin of the magnetic interactions is discussed; at intermediate V concentration, the usual Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction should take place, with a rather small kF and predominantly ferromagnetic couplings; for the small-V concentration range, as the crystals are semiconducting, dipolar and magnetoelastic couplings are examined; at large x, direct antiferromagnetic exchange between V nearest neighbors should become important. Different sources of magnetic anisotropy are considered and the dipolar coupling is...

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