It was previously reported (A. Moscona & H. Moscona, 1952) that the tissues of limb-buds and mesonephroi of early chick embryos can be dissociated into suspensions of discrete viable cells which, under certain conditions of cultivation in vitro, reaggregate into clusters and re-establish a tissue-like association. Upon further cultivation in vitro these primary cellular associations became transformed into organized tissue patterns, the development of which proceeds to the level of typical histological differentiation. Owing to the nature of the experimental material studied so far, it has mainly been the capacity of the aggregates for re-establishing typical intercellular relationship that has come prominently into view. The present observations were aimed at examining the capacity of cells, aggregated from a discrete state, to resume and complete differentiation on the cellular level, e.g. to achieve a cytologically characteristic secretory status. The normally developed cells of the anterior lobe of the pituitary carry a distinct mark of their state of differentiation—the secretory granules.