A fourth season of excavation at Çatal Hüyük took place between 18th July and 25th September 1965 under the auspices of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara with Professor O. R. Gurney as director administratively responsible to the Turkish Authorities. The excavation staff were Mr. and Mrs. James Mellaart, Miss Pamela Pratt and Miss Priscilla Berridge as conservators, Miss Raymonde Enderlé Ludovici (artist), Mr. and Mrs. N. Alcock (surveyor), Mr. Ian Todd, Mlle Anne Timonier and Mr. J. Jurriaanse as field assistants. Bayan Nemika Altan and Bay Mehmet Turgut, both from the Ankara Archaeological Museum, were our official Turkish Representatives.The excavation was sponsored by the British Academy, the Universities of Edinburgh and London, The Royal Ontario Museum, Canada, the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, the Bollingen Foundation, both in New York, the Australian Institute of Archaeology, the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara and the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin. BP Aegean Ltd. in Istanbul once again supported the expedition with survey equipment and transport.