Heart Rate, Activity, Duration, and Affect in Added-Purpose Versus Single-Purpose Jumping Activities

This research replicates and extends an occupational therapy research project reported by Kircher in 1984. Thirty women aged 18 to 31 years jumped with a rope on one day and jumped in place on another day in a counterbalanced design. Each subject stopped jumping when she reached what she perceived as the very hard level on the Borg Scale of Perceived Exertion (Borg, 1970). Differences from Kircher’s design included an imposed target zone formula for safe maximum exertion, use of a portable, more easily read heart rate monitor (Exersentry, Model 3), use of the Osgood Semantic Differential to measure affective meanings, and asking the subjects to identify the type of jumping they preferred. Data analysis supported Kircher’s finding that at the given rate of perceived exertion, heart rate increase after jumping rope was significantly higher (p = .01) than after jumping without a rope. The difference in duration of jumping approached significance (p = .06), but in the direction opposite to what Kircher found. There were no significant differences in affective meanings or preference. Results are discussed in terms of the need for a growing body of occupational therapy literature in regard to the purposefulness of activities.

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