Self-Diffusion of Carbon Tetrachloride, Isobars and Isochores

The self-diffusion coefficient of CCl4 has been measured over a range of temperature between 25° and 50°C and at 1 and 200 atmospheres. The results can be expressed by the equations: for 1 atmos, D=325 exp (—3300/RT), for 200 atmos, D=264 exp (—3300/RT). The activation energy for constant volume is 1070 Cal. These activation energies are identical with those previously found for the diffusion of I2 in CCl4. The temperature coefficient of diffusion at constant volume parallels in both cases the increase of kinetic energy. Dη/T is constant within 7 percent in the range studied, where η denotes viscosity. These results are discussed in relation to various theories for the mechanism of diffusion.