Using the assumption of concentration independency, partial functions are calculated from experimental interference functions of molten Cu-Sb alloys reported earlier. The partial radial distribution functions yield partial coordination numbers from which by a weighted sum the total coordination numbers can be calculated. The comparison of these calculated values with the coordination numbers obtained directly from the total RDF shows good agreement. The partial coordination numbers confirm the compound formation in the melts of certain composition, whereas the tendency for segregation existent in the concentration range from 61 to 90 a/o Sb is not indicated by these numbers. The distances rI given by the partial RDF can be composed by a weighted sum which shows good agreement with the experimental values. As an application of the partial functions, the electrical resistivity and the thermoelectrical power were calculated. The calculated electrical resistivity shows good agreement with measured values. The calculated thermoelectrical power deviates from the experimental values for copper. The agreement for antimony is quite good. For the alloys no experimental values exist. It can be stated, that the partial functions deduced by the assumption of concentration independency are suitable functions for the interpretation of structural and electrical behaviour of molten alloys in the system Cu-Sb.