Summary of results from a foliage penetration experiment with a three-frequency polarimetric SAR

As a part of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Critical Mobile Target program an experiment was conducted jointly by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and MIT Lincoln Laboratory in July 1990 using the NASA/JPL airborne SAR system, to investigate the effects of foliage on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging of targets concealed by trees. A large number of 8-ft corner reflectors were deployed for the investigation of two-way propagation through foliage, and tone generators were deployed at four locations to investigate one-way pulse-to-pulse phase and amplitude fluctuations to study possible SAR beam distortions caused by trees. In addition, a 40 km2 area was imaged over five passes at each of 30 degree(s), 45 degree(s), and 60 degree(s) depression angles, simultaneously at C-, L-band and UHF frequencies, fully polarimetrically. Several trucks of varying sizes were also deployed in the open and behind trees for limited testing of target detection. Analysis of the data is near completion. This paper will summarize results on attenuation and clutter statistics, SAR pattern distortion through trees as well as results on multichannel processing of the images containing vehicle masked by foliage.

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