Normal Magnetic Resonance Anatomy of the Tarsal Tunnel

Images of five cadaver ankles and three normal volunteers were obtained in an attempt to delineate magnetic resonance (MR) anatomy of the tarsal tunnel. Multiplanar T1-weighted (TE 20 msec, TR 600 msec) scans were obtained of the cadaver specimens while T1 and T2 weighted (TE 20, 80 msec, TR 2000 msec) scans were obtained of the volunteer ankles. After imaging, the cadaver ankles were frozen, sectioned, photographed, and compared to the MR images in the transverse plane. The anatomical structures seen on the MR images correlated closely with the cadaver sections. The bony and soft tissue boundaries and contents of the tarsal tunnel could be imaged with detail easily sufficient to delineate all the major structures within it, including the posterior tibial nerve and its branches