The cefuroxime [CX] transfer across the placenta was studied in 10 women in labor and 12 women being delivered by cesarean section. Following a single i.m. injection of 750 mg CX, high antibiotic concentrations were found in the amniotic fluid in women in labor; the peak concentration of 18 mg/l was achieved after 5 h. Therapeutic of CX concentrations were present in umbilical vein serum for up to 8 h after injection. A similar pharmacokinetic picture was observed in the women undergoing cesarean section although in the limited time interval (up to 4 h) between injection and delivery and amniotic fluid CX levels achieved were lower. CX appears to cross the placenta well to produce effective concentrations in fetal blood and amniotic fluid. CX may be useful for bacterial intrauterine infection treatment.