Combined blood cell counting and classification with fluorochrome stains and flow instrumentation.

A multiparameter flow cytophotometer was used to count and classify fixed human blood cells fluorochromed with a mixture of ethidium bromide (EB), brilliant sulfaflavine and a blue fluorescent stilbene disulfonic acid derivative (LN). The system measures light scattered by the cells and absorption at 420 nm for all cells. In addition, nuclear EB fluorescence (540 leads to 610 nm) and cytoplasmic fluorescence from LN (366 leads to 470 nm), brilliant sulfaflavine (420 leads to 520 nm) and EB exicted by energy transfer from LN (366 leads to 610 nm) are measured for all nucleated cells. This information is sufficient to perform red and white blood cell counts and to classify leukocytes as lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils or neutrophils. Light scattering and/or nuclear and cytoplasmic fluorescence values may be further analyzed to obtain the ratio of immature to mature neutrophils. Counts produced by the system are in reasonable agreement with those obtained by electronic cells counting and examination of Wright's-stained blood smears; some discrepancies appear to be due to systematic errors in the manual counting method.

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