Multiple-Scattering Expansions for Nonrelativistic Three-Body Collision Problems. IV. Application of the Faddeev-Watson Expansion to Scattering Processes

The high-energy limit of the differential scattering cross section, according to the exact Born approximation can have either an E2 or an E6 energy dependence, depending on the scattering angle and masses of the system. When the target is made of equal-mass particles having charges which are equal but opposite in sign, the first-order Born approximantion predicts a zero for the elastic scattering amplitude. This anomalous behavior does not appear in the first-order Faddeev-Watson multiple-scattering approximation. An application of the first-order Faddeev-Watson multiple-scattering approximation to a three-body Coulomb system with arbitrary masses is considered. The three-body scattering amplitude is derived and expressed in terms of an integral consisting of contributions coming from (a) the two-body bound-state poles in the initial and final wave functions, (b) the branch-point singularities in the off-shell two-body Coulomb T matrices, and (c) the intermediate two-body bound- and antibound-state poles.