Variability of mitochondrial population in Chlamydomonas reinhardii

Several details have been published cocerning the mitochondrial number and shapes at various stages of the synchronized vegetative and generative cell cycle in Chlamydomonas reinhardii. The present study, based on ultrathin serial sections and threedimensional reconstructions, completes these data. Quantitative analysis of serial micrographs makes it possible to give specific details of mitochondrial volumes in cells at early intermediate stages of the vegetative life cycle. Our investigations clearly show that mitochondria have a relatively wide range of sizes, within certain limits, and vary like the mitochondrial shapes; in fact, they vary in various cells at various stages as well as in several cells at the same stage and even in one and the same cell. Thus, we present a plastic insight into the dynamically changing micromorphology of the mitochondrial population in Chlamydomonas reinhardii.