Rapid Computational Identification of the Targets of Protein Kinase Inhibitors

We describe a method for rapidly computing the relative affinities of an inhibitor for all individual members of a family of homologous receptors. The approach, implemented in a new program, SCR, models inhibitor−receptor interactions in full atomic detail with an empirical energy function and includes an explicit account of flexibility in homology-modeled receptors through sampling of libraries of side chain rotamers. SCR's general utility was demonstrated by application to seven different protein kinase inhibitors: for each inhibitor, relative binding affinities with panels of ∼20 protein kinases were computed and compared with experimental data. For five of the inhibitors (SB203580, purvalanol B, imatinib, H89, and hymenialdisine), SCR provided excellent reproduction of the experimental trends and, importantly, was capable of identifying the targets of inhibitors even when they belonged to different kinase families. The method's performance in a predictive setting was demonstrated by performing separate training and testing applications, and its key assumptions were tested by comparison with a number of alternative approaches employing the ligand-docking program AutoDock (Morris et al. J. Comput. Chem.1998, 19, 1639−1662). These comparison tests included using AutoDock in nondocking and docking modes and performing energy minimizations of inhibitor−kinase complexes with the molecular mechanics code GROMACS (Berendsen et al. Comput. Phys. Commun.1995, 91, 43−56). It was found that a surprisingly important aspect of SCR's approach is its assumption that the inhibitor be modeled in the same orientation for each kinase: although this assumption is in some respects unrealistic, calculations that used apparently more realistic approaches produced clearly inferior results. Finally, as a large-scale application of the method, SB203580, purvalanol B, and imatinib were screened against an almost full complement of 493 human protein kinases using SCR in order to identify potential new targets; the predicted targets of SB203580 were compared with those identified in recent proteomics-based experiments. These kinome-wide screens, performed within a day on a small cluster of PCs, indicate that explicit computation of inhibitor−receptor binding affinities has the potential to promote rapid discovery of new therapeutic targets for existing inhibitors.