Evaluation of Normal Gastric Mucosal Antigens and Enzymes in Cancerous Human Gastric Mucosa by Agar- and Immuno-Electrophoresis

Gastric tumoral extracts and non tumoral gastric musosa extracts showed several changes from the normal: There was a diminished protein content in several electrophoretic zones. The proteolytic activities of 4 different pepsins were absent or diminished in the tumor, and diminished, but not absent in the non-tumoral mucosa. Carboxylic esterases were diminished in general. Three ''pepsinogen'' lines identified in immuno-electrophoresis as well as a Vitamin B 12 binding antigen with esterase activity were diminished markedly in the tumor, but less markedly in the surrounding mucosa. No new precipitating antigens specific for the tumor or for the surrounding mucosa were demonstrated.