Unidirectional Air Flow Isolators A Review

The isolators described were developed for rearing and breeding specified pathogen-free fowls on a laboratory scale and for producing controlled environments for experimental purposes. The basic design has proved to be versatile and similar isolators have been constructed for housing other laboratory animals and for use on a commercial scale. They depend for their efficiency on the characteristics of the ventilation system rather than on complete enclosure of the environment and consequently are easier to use and allow higher stocking densities than conventional isolators. Filtered air is blown horizontally and uniformly through the isolator at a velocity which is sufficient to hold any infective particles in suspension and remove them in a few seconds. The risk of infection is reduced further by maintaining a positive pressure in the isolator. Chickens show a markedly accelerated growth rate in these isolators which is due largely to an improvement in the efficiency of food conversion and is associated with a reduction in immunoglobulin synthesis.