Resistance in Bloomless and Sparse-Bloom Sorghum to Greenbugs 12

Four bloomless ( bm bm ) and three sparse-bloom ( h h ) sorghum entries were evaluated for resistance to biotype C of the greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), in field tests at Stillwater, Okla., in 1975 and 1976, and the results were compared with those from seven greenbug-susceptible and two greenbug-resistant lines with bloom ( Bm ). Both bloomless and sparse-bloom entries reduced the reproduction of greenbugs and damage from natural infestations; however, reproduction and damage were not reduced when greenbugs were confined to small leaf cages. Results of tests in large cages suggested that the resistance in bm bm and h h lines may not be effective in seedling sorghum or against the apterous form of the greenbug. Nonpreference was suggested as the mechanism of resistance.

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