Discretely tunable optical packet delays using channelized slow light

We describe a procedure for increasing the fractional delay (or delay-bandwidth product) of a slow-light system. A broadband input signal is sliced into several frequency bands. The light in each band propagates through a separate channel which possesses a highly reduced group velocity over a narrow frequency band. The output of each channel is then combined to form a single output field. For certain discretely distributed values of the group velocity of each channel, the output can replicate the input waveform without the need to adjust the output phase of each channel. Because this scheme makes use of many parallel channels, it can overcome a fundamental limit [D. A. B. Miller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 203903 (2007)] to the delay-bandwidth product for single-channel devices. A practical design is proposed using spectral slicers and stimulated Brillouin scattering as the narrow-band slow-light process. Numerical simulation shows that such a channelized slow-light element can have nearly uniform gain and group index over very large bandwidths.