The regulation of the asparagine synthetase A gene of Escherichia coli was studied in vitro with a coupled transcription-translation system. It was shown that the 17-kilodalton gene, which is transcribed divergently from the adjacent asnA gene, codes for an activator of asnA transcription. The synthesis of the 17-kilodalton protein, which we now call AsnC, is autogenously regulated. The stimulating effect of AsnC on asnA transcription is abolished by asparagine, while the autoregulation of asnC is not affected by asparagine. The N-terminal part of the asnC protein, inferred from the DNA sequence, is homologous to the DNA-binding domain of regulatory proteins like catabolite gene activator, cro, and cI. This homology and direct repeats found in the region of the two asn promoters suggest that the asnC protein regulates transcription by binding to DNA. The asn promoters were defined by mapping of the mRNA start sites of in vitro-generated transcripts.