Additive noise properties of active matrix flat‐panel imagers

A detailed theoretical and empirical investigation of additive noise for indirect detection, active matrix flat‐panel imagers (AMFPIs) has been performed. Such imagers comprise a pixelated array, incorporating photodiodes and thin‐film transistors (TFTs), and an associated electronic acquisition system. A theoretical model of additive noise, defined as the noise of an imaging system in the absence of radiation, has been developed. This model is based upon an equivalent‐noise‐circuit representation of an AMFPI. The model contains a number of uncorrelated noise components which have been designated as pixel noise, data line thermal noise, externally coupled noise, preamplifier noise and digitization noise. Pixel noise is further divided into the following components: TFT thermal noise, shot and noise associated with the TFT and photodiode leakage currents, and TFT transient noise. Measurements of various additive noise components were carried out on a prototype imaging system based on a 508 μm pitch, array. Other measurements were performed in the absence of the array, involving discrete components connected to the preamplifier input. Overall, model predictions of total additive noise as well as of pixel, preamplifier, and data line thermal noise components were in agreement with results of their measured counterparts. For the imaging system examined, the model predicts that pixel noise is dominated by shot and noise components of the photodiode and TFT at frame times above ∼1 s. As frame time decreases, pixel noise is increasingly dominated by TFT thermal noise. Under these conditions, the reasonable degree of agreement observed between measurements and model predictions provides strong evidence that the role of TFT thermal noise has been properly incorporated into the model. Finally, the role of the resistance and capacitance of array data lines in the model was investigated using discrete component circuits at the preamplifier input. Measurements of preamplifier noise and data line thermal noise components as a function of input capacitance and resistance were found to be in reasonable agreement with model predictions.