Unmasking of Kx antigen by reduction of disulphide bonds on normal and McLeod red cells

Summary We have investigated the effect of dithiothreitol (DTT) treatment of human red cells upon the Kx blood group antigen. At low concentrations of DTT (≤2 mM) there is enhancement of the Kx antigen concomitant with the complete denaturation of the Jsa and Jsb antigens of the Kell blood system. This unmasking of the Kx antigenic site is near maximal using 2 mM DTT. At this concentration of DTT, only the Jsa and Jsb antigens are completely denatured; all other Kell system antigens tested (K, k, Kpb, Ku) are essentially unaffected. These results argue against the Kx antigen serving strictly as a carbohydrate precursor substance involved in a sequential biosynthetic pathway of Kell blood group antigens. Also, McLeod red cells, after treatment with DTT, were found to contain Kx antigen, although in much lower density than normal red cells, indicating that, although not a typical carbohydrate precursor substance, Kx may, nevertheless, be essential for the serological expression of Kell related antigens. It is hypothesized that the Kx structure and the Kell blood group antigen structure are two separate subunits associated in a quaternary conformation involving at least one interchain S-S bond. Our results should allow for a clearer understanding of the relationship between the serological expression of the Kx antigen and the serologically observed reactivity of the Kell blood group antigens of individuals having normal, Ko and McLeod phenotypes.