Effects Of Gain Displacements On A Tapered Wiggler Free-Electron Laser

The performance of a low gain, free-electron laser (FEL) operating in the Compton regime is evaluated in the presence of e-beam displacements in planes parallel or perpendicular to the FEL linearly polarized wiggler magnetic field. In this fully coupled, nonlinear formalism, the gain is described by a 3-D extension of the Kroll-Morton-Rosenbluth (KMR) equations and evaluated by using optical fields that are propagated numerically between sections of the wiggler (and the oscillator) using the Gardner-Fresnel-Kirchhoff (GFK) algorithm. The oscil-lator extraction efficiency, optical gain, and the 3-D transverse mode and gain distributions are computed in the absence of slippage between the optical and e-beam pulses, using standard iterative techniques for obtaining resonator solutions. The influence of local off-axis magnetic fields and betatron oscillations on individual particles is included in the gain computations.

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