Lattice QCD at finite isospin density at zero and finite temperature

  • 27 February 2002
We simulate lattice QCD with dynamical $u$ and $d$ quarks at finite chemical potential, $\mu_I$, for the third component of isospin ($I_3$), at both zero and at finite temperature. At zero temperature there is some $\mu_I$, $\mu_c$ say, above which $I_3$ and parity are spontaneously broken by a charged pion condensate. This is in qualitative agreement with the prediction of effective (chiral) Lagrangians which also predict $\mu_c=m_\pi$. Although this transition appears to be second order, it exhibits the scaling properties of a tricritical point rather than the expected mean field scaling, which indicates that the lattice spacing is large enough for lattice artifacts to affect the nature of this transition. We have also studied the restoration of $I_3$ symmetry at high temperature for $\mu_I > \mu_c$. For $\mu_I$ sufficiently large, this finite temperature phase transition appears to be first order. As $\mu_I$ is decreased it becomes second order connecting continuously with the zero temperature transition.

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