The genera Browallia [B. americana and B. speciosa], Cestrum, Hunzikeria, Leptoglossis [L. linifolia, L. lomana and L. schwenkioides], Nicotiana, Nierembergia [N. angustifolia], Petunia [P. parviflora], Reyesia, and Salpiglossis, all members of the mainly Neotropical tribe Cestreae of the Solanaceae, are reviewed and generic lines are discussed. Hunzikeria [H. coulteri comb. nov. (L. coulteri A. Gray) and H. texana], Leptoglossis, Reyesia [R. cactorum comb. nov. (S. cactorum Johnston), Richilensis, R. juniperoides comb. nov. (S. juniperoides Wenderm.), R. laxa comb. nov. (Pteroglossis laxa Miers)] and Salpiglossis [S. arniatera comb. nov. (B. arniatera Robinson, S. anomala comb. nov. (Nierembergia anomala, Miers), S. erecta comb. nov. (Bouchetia erecta Dun.), S. sinuata and S. spinescens] are given extensive attention, and a new species of Hunzikeria [H. steyermarkiana is described. Bouchetia is placed into synonymy under Salpiglossis. An evolutionary path from primitive ancestors to modern, advanced members of the group is postulated.