The dc ionic conductivity is calculated for one-dimensional (1-D) classical hopping with effects of nearest-neighbor repulsion included. Repulsion between ions in different channels which leads to three-dimensional ordering of the ions is accounted for in a mean-field manner. The intrachannel repulsion U is treated exactly by using results for the equivalent Ising antiferromagnet in a staggered field. It is shown that several choices can exist for the dependence of transition probabilities on nearest-neighbor occupation numbers and still satisfy detailed balance. In almost any case, however, the activation energy increases by U2 as the temperature T goes through the ordering temperature Tc from above. An appreciable change in activation energy should then be observed in a 1-D superionic conductor which undergoes an order-disorder transition, provided this transition is triggered by interactions between the mobile ions. The dependence of activation energy upon U above Tc depends on the range of the forces and whether the hopping is purely classical or involves tunneling. We find that Kikuchi's result of a decrease in activation energy by U2 from the noninteracting value is reproduced if very-short-range forces and classical activation over a barrier are assumed. On the other hand, we get Mahan's result of an increase by U2 if the transition rate is governed by tunneling through a barrier.