Freeze-Fracture Replica Studies of Tight Junctions in Normal Human Bronchial Epithelium

Using freeze-fracture techniques, tight junctional networks were observed in the human normal bronchial epithelium.They were morphologically classified into three types: type I was a loosely interconnected, most complicated network consisting of 7–11 roughly parallel wavy strands and situated between ciliated cells; type II was a randomly anastomosing, simple network made up of 2–4 strands and present between goblet cells; type III was an irregularly anastomosing network composed of 4–7 strands and located between a ciliated cell and a goblet cell. Type III junctions, when a goblet cell was strongly bulged, were located on the swollen ridge, the upper surface of which was separated by a deep groove from the bulged apical surface, around the lateral surface of the cell at the level of the luminal surface. The possible relation between the orientation of strands of these networks and extra- or intracellular stress was discussed.