A comprehensive study is reported of the Lagrangian statistics of velocity, acceleration, dissipation and related quantities, in isotropic turbulence. High-resolution direct numerical simulations are performed on 643and 1283grids, resulting in Taylor-scale Reynolds numbers Rλin the range 38-93. The low-wavenumber modes of the velocity field are forced so that the turbulence is statistically stationary. Using an accurate numerical scheme, of order 4000 fluid particles are tracked through the computed flow field, and hence time series of Lagrangian velocity and velocity gradients are obtained.The results reported include: velocity and acceleration autocorrelations and spectra; probability density functions (p.d.f.'s) and moments of Lagrangian velocity increments; and p.d.f.'s, correlation functions and spectra of dissipation and other velocity-gradient invariants. It is found that the acceleration variance (normalized by the Kolmogorov scales) increases as R½λ- a much stronger dependence than predicted by the refined Kolmogorov hypotheses. At small time lags, the Lagrangian velocity increments are distinctly non-Gaussian with, for example, flatness factors in excess of 10. The enstrophy (vorticity squared) is found to be more intermittent than dissipation, having a standard-deviation-to-mean ratio of about 1.5 (compared to 1.0 for dissipation). The acceleration vector rotates on a timescale about twice the Kolmogorov scale, while the timescales of acceleration magnitude, dissipation and enstrophy appear to scale with the Lagrangian velocity timescale.