Deletion mutant analysis of the mercury-resistant determinant (mer operon) from the Staphylococcus aureus plasmid pI258 was used to verify the location of the merA and merB genes and to show the existence of mercuric ion transport gene(s). ORF5 was confirmed to be a transport gene and has an amino acid product sequence homologous to the merT gene products from several gram-negative bacteria and a Bacillus species. Deletion analysis established that inactivation of merA on a broad-spectrum mer resistance determinant resulted in a mercury-hypersensitive phenotype. Gene dosage had no apparent effect on the level of resistance conferred by the intact mer operon or on the expression of an inducible phenotype, except that when the intact pI258 mer operon was on a high copy number plasmid, uninduced cells possessed a volatilization rate that was at most only 3.5-fold less than that observed for induced cells. There was no need for mercury ion transport proteins for full resistance when the mer operon was expressed in a high copy number plasmid.