Expression of immunogenic epitopes of hepatitis B surface antigen with hybrid flagellin proteins by a vaccine strain of Salmonella.

A nonvirulent Salmonella dublin flagellin-negative, aromatic-dependent live vaccine strain has been used to express hepatitis B virus surface antigen epitopes in an immunogenic form. The envelope proteins of the virion are encoded by the S gene, which contains the pre-S1, pre-S2, and S coding regions. Synthetic oligonucleotides corresponding to amino acid residues S-(122-137) and pre-S2-(120-145) were inserted in-frame into the hypervariable region of a cloned Salmonella flagellin gene, and the recombinant plasmids were introduced into a flagellin-negative aroA mutant live vaccine strain of S. dublin, SL5928. The flagellin gene was expressed in bacteria carrying the plasmids as detected by immunoblotting with anti-flagellin (H1-d) serum. Both the S and pre-S2 epitopes were detected in bacteria carrying the relevant plasmid by immunoblotting with anti-HBs (antibody to hepatitis B virus surface antigen) and anti-peptide antisera. Animals immunized intramuscularly or orally with the live recombinant bacteria developed antibodies specific to these hepatitis B virus epitopes as detected by ELISA.

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