Novel 2-ethyl-5-alkylpyrrolidines in the venom of an australian ant of the genusMonomorium

Novel 2-ethyl-5-alkylpyrrolidines and their corresponding 1-pyrrolines have been identified as poison gland products from an unidentified Australian species ofMonomorium. The major alkaloids present in the venom of this ant aretrans-2-ethyl-5-undecylpyrrolidine andtrans-2-ethyl-5-(12-tridecen-1-yl)pyrrolidine. The position of the double bond in the latter was established from its dimethyl-disulfide adduct after the amine function had been protected, and the stereochemistry of the alkyl groups was determined by direct comparison with synthetic compounds. The corresponding 1-pyrrolines were also detected in varying amounts in this venom. The pyrrolidines and 1-pyrrolines possess considerable insecticidal activity when evaluated against termite workers. The alkaloidal venoms ofMonomorium appear to be an important factor contributing to the success of these small ants both as competitors and as predators.