Additive genetic variance maintained by mutation in a selectively neutral quantitative character is analyzed for an ideal population distributed on n islands, each with local effective size N, that exchange migrants at a small rate, m. In a stable population structure, the expected genetic variance maintained within islands is identical to that in a panmictic population of the same total size, regardless of the migration rate (m > 0). This result contrasts with Wright's classical conclusion, based on inbreeding coefficients, that at least one immigrant per island every other generation (Nm > ½) is necessary for the genetic variance within local populations to approach that under panmixia. The expected genetic variance maintained among islands is inversely proportional to m and increases with the number of islands, but is independent of N. Local extinction and colonization diminish the genetic variance maintained within islands by reducing the effective size of island populations through the founder effect, although the expected genetic variance within islands is nearly as large as that in a panmictic population of the same total effective size. If the founders of new colonies originate from more than one island, rates of local extinction and colonization larger than about twice the migration rate will substantially reduce the genetic variance maintained among islands. These results indicate the importance of mutation and migration in maintaining quantitative genetic variance within small local populations.
Funding Information
  • U.S. Public Health Service (GM27120)