Universality of the Operator Product Expansions of SCFT_4

  • 20 August 1996
We study the operator product algebra of the supercurrent J and Konishi superfield K in four-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories. The Konishi superfield appears in the JJ OPE and the algebra is characterized by two central charges c and c' and an anomalous dimension h for K. In free field (one-loop) approximation, c~3N_v+N_\chi and c'~N_\chi, where N_v and N_\chi are, respectively, the number of vector and chiral multiplets in the theory. In higher order c, c' and h depend on the gauge and Yukawa couplings and we obtain the two-loop contributions by combining earlier work on c with our own calculations of c'. The major result is that the radiative corrections to the central charges cancel when the one-loop beta-functions vanish, suggesting that c and c' (but not h) are invariant under continuous deformations of superconformal theories. The behavior of c and c' along renormalization group flows is studied from the viewpoint of a c-theorem.

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