In vitro and in vivo characterization of a high-purity, solvent/detergent-treated factor VIII concentrate: Evidence for its therapeutic efficacy in von Willebrand's disease

A factor VIII (FVIII) concentrate, virus-activated by the solvent/detergent procedure, was studied in vitro. In contrast with most high-purity, virus-inactivated FVIII concentrates, it contains not only high levels of von Willebrand factor (vWF) antigen and ristocetin cofactor activity but also high molecular weight forms of von Willbrand factor. Furthermore, it is able to promote platelet adhesion on collagen in a perfusion system. In vivo studies performed in patients with different types of von Willebrand''s disease provided evidence that this concentrate corrects Duke''s bleeding time and prevents or stops haemorrhages. Thus, the particular advantages of this FVIII/vWF preparation are safety, low content of contamination proteins, and efficacy in vivo Willebrand''s disease.