Following X-irradiation, two previously unreported V2+ spectra of orthorhombic symmetry have been observed at room temperature in magnesium oxide. For the stronger spectrum, the spin-Hamiltonian parameters are: gz=1.9779+or-0.0005, gx=1.9814+or-0.0005, gY=1.9793+or-0.0005, D=-0.0580+or-0.0001 cm-1, E=0.1126+or-0.0001 cm-1, Az=-(74.6+or-0.1)*10-4 cm-1, Ax=-(73.4+or-0.2)*10-4 cm-1 and Ay=-(73.3+or-0.2)*10-4 cm-1, where Z axis is along an (001) crystal direction, X is along (110) and Y is along (110) and where S=3/2, I=7/2. For the weaker spectrum, D=-0.0560+or-0.0005 cm-1 and E=0.103+or-0.001 cm-1. The spin-Hamiltonian parameters differ markedly from those of the orthorhombic V2+ spectrum observed by Codling and Henderson (1971) in the same lattice. The centres are compared with the Cr3+ R and R' centres previously observed in MgO.