Development and Evaluation of a Long‐Term, Implantable, Electrically Actuated Left Ventricular Assist System: THI/Gould LVAS

A long-term, implantable, electrically actuated left ventricular assist system (THI/Gould LVAS) is being developed and characterized in vitro and in vivo for utilization in patients with end-stage heart disease. This system consists of five major components: a long-term, implantable blood pump (THI E-type ALVAD); an electrical-mechanical energy converter (Gould Model V); a control unit with batteries; a volume compensation system; and an external power supply and monitoring unit. Two of these components (blood pump and electrical-mechanical energy converter) have been integrated, and are undergoing chronic in vivo evaluations in calves. Thus far, 44 pneumatically and electrically actuated THI/Gould LVAS evaluations have been performed. This experience has resulted in greater than 6.5 years of actuation in vivo, with durations exceeding 1 year. System in vivo performance in terms of durability, mechanical reliability, hemodynamic effectiveness, and biocompatibility has been satisfactory. Demonstration of long-term (2-year) effectiveness in supporting the circulation is the ultimate goal.