Adjuvant cytotoxic liver perfusion for colorectal cancer

Colorectal liver metastases develop by malignant cells entering the portal venous circulation. A randomized prospective clinical trial was commenced in 1975 to assess the value of adjuvant umbilical vein cytotoxic perfusion (with 5-fluorouracil) following colorectal resection.One hundred and fifty-four patients without macroscopic liver secondaries have so far entered the trial. The mean age, sex, site and stage of the disease were similar in the control and perfusion groups and there was no statistically significant difference in postoperative complications or hospital stay (17·1 ± 7·9 days control, 15·8 ± 7·4 days perfusion group).So far, 23 deaths have occurred in the control group (20 due to recurrent disease) and 7 in the perfusion. group (5 due to recurrent disease) Liver metastases were present in 13 control patients and 2 perfusion patients.These results show an encouraging trend and suggest that adjuvant cytotoxic liver perfusion may reduce the development of colorectal liver metastases and hence improve the subsequent prognosis.