Methodological Overview and Research Design for Adolescents in the Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Studies

The adolescent component in Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Studies (DATOS) was the first designed specifically to conduct an in-depth, systematic investigation of the outcomes and effectiveness of drug treatment programs for adolescents. This national study included 3,382 participants who presented for treatment from 1993 to 1995 in 37 therapeutic community, inpatient and outpatient programs in Pittsburgh, Miami, Minneapolis, Chicago, Portland (OR), and New York City. This article gives an overview of the study methodology. The sample of programs was selected to reflect the nature of treatment available to adolescents in these six urban areas. The design, content and quality of interview protocols, modified from the adult instruments, and conducted at admission, during treatment, and 12 months after termination of treatment, are described. Data collection procedures and the completion rates for each of the phases of interviewing are discussed. The potential utilization of the data for clinical and policy guidance is outlined.