Measurements of core and pusher conditions in surrogate capsule implosions on the OMEGA laser system

Experiments have been carried out on the 60-beam, 30 kJ OMEGA laser system [T. R. Boehly et al., Opt. Commun. 133, 495 (1997)] as part of an integrated program to diagnose all phases of direct-drive capsule implosions. Laser-imprint levels and Rayleigh–Taylor growth rates associated with the spherical implosions have been inferred from planar-foil radiography experiments. In spherical targets, measurements of the combined effects of imprint and unstable growth at the ablation surface have been carried out using the burnthrough technique [J. Delettrez et al., Phys. Plasmas 1, 2342 (1994)]. Target behavior during the deceleration phase has been investigated using a series of surrogate cryogenic capsules in which the main fuel layer is represented by a Ti-doped CH shell and the hot spot is represented by an Ar-doped deuterium fill gas.