Comparison between L‐Dopa and lisuride intravenous infusions: A clinical study

L‐Dopa is still the most effective drug for the treatment of Parkinson's Disease, but after 5 years or more of therapy fluctuations in motor performance and abnormal involuntary movements commonly appear. Continuous intravenous infusions of L‐Dopa abolish or strikingly reduce such fluctuations. Unfortunately, this is not suitable for daily treatment because of the low solubility of L‐Dopa. Lisuride is a potent dopamine agonist and is very soluble in water. In this study the clinical effects of L‐Dopa and lisuride continuous intravenous infusions were compared in a group of 20 fluctuating parkinsonian patients L‐Dopa controlled fluctuations in almost all the subjects, whereas only seven patients were continuously mobile while taking lisuride. Another seven patients showed a fluctuating response and the remaining six did not satisfactorily respond to lisuride. Dyskinesias were present in all patients during “on” phases, with both levodopa and lisuride treatment.